We advocate for the people we care about.
Aktion Club is a service group comprised of adults with disabilities and is associated with Kiwanis. The group meets monthly to discuss opportunities to serve the needs of children through service projects within Hancock County.
The club is often looking for service projects. If you or your agency has a need, see the attached application. Complete the form and email it to Danielle Fisher, Intake & Individual Support Coordinator at dfisher@blanchardvalley.org or deliver to Blanchard Valley Center 1700 E. Sandusky St. Findlay, Oh 45840.
Aktion Club
Speaks Out
Speaks Out is an organization that assists individuals with understanding their strengths, needs, personal goals, rights, and responsibilities. The club empowers self-advocates to speak out for themselves by making informed choices about their own lives. Hancock County Speaks Out members must be 18-years old. Individuals interested should contact their SSA.
Hello Hancock! Podcast
Blanchard Valley Center’s podcast on all things related to living with a disability in Hancock County.
Life Engagement
Life Engagement offers opportunities to promote socialization, inclusion, and to allow individuals receiving support to be able to experience new or existing interests.
To be eligible for Life Engagement, an individual shall:
Be eighteen (18) years of age or older;
Be a resident of Hancock County;
Receive SSA services from the Hancock County Board of DD; and
Need minimal to no support when attending an experience based off the individual’s current Individual Service Plan.
For more information about Life Engagement or to sign up, please contact your SSA or Cheryl Strohm, Community Support Coordinator at cstrohm@blanchardvalley.org.
Special Olympics
If you’re interested in going for the gold, there’s no better organization than the Hancock County Special Olympics. This organization offers a variety of competitive sports for all skill levels. The sports offered include basketball, bowling, golf, softball, swimming, track and field, powerlifting, and bocce ball. The program is open to anyone age 8 and older with a qualifying diagnosis.
Hancock County Special Olympics has opportunities for coaches to volunteer their time.
To find out more about becoming a Special Olympics athlete or a coach, contact Melanie Williams, Special Olympics Coordinator at mwilliams@blanchardvalley.org.